Geraldo has had enough of the deranged and lunatic lefts attempt to remove President Trump from office over hurt feelings.

He took to his Twitter profile late last night, and was on multiple Fox shows from The Five to Hannity discussing his disgust with the insane left.

“Fair Warning, as I did with Bill Clinton in 1997-8, I tonight announce that if you want to impeach this president on these facts you’ll have to come through me,” Rivera said on his Twitter account.

Geraldo isn’t alone, President Trump is polling hire with Republicans and Independents than any President in recent memory.

There will be 100 million other Americans who will not take lightly the Democrats trying to jeopardize our thriving economy. Millions of new jobs, record low unemployment, military and police moral at all time highs.

It’s like the left is truly trying to do all that they can to lose an election. Or maybe, just maybe they realize this fabricated thought of impeachment is their only shot to actually beat President Trump.

One response to “Geraldo Tells Left ‘You’ll Have to Come Through Me’ to Get Trump”

  1. “Fair Warning, as I did with Bill Clinton in 1997-8, I tonight announce that if you want to impeach this president on these facts you’ll have to come through me…”

    What the hell does this even mean?

    Also, too:

    “higher” not “hire”

    “police morale” not “police moral”

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