This story is absolutely sickening coming out of Atlanta, Georgia at the Super Bowl.

I’ve talked many times with my good friend Craig Sawyer, the founder of and a former Navy SEAL about this. Most Americans have no clue that the Super Bowl is one of the biggest gatherings of child predators in the world, but it is. All of these rich individuals coming in as Craig said are “looking to find a kid to have sex with”, it’s absolutely absurd.

Craig was spot on, and you can go back and listen to some of my shows in the past that Craig and I have done, and you’ll hear us talking about this.

Thomas Cheung, 32 of Alpharetta was one of 21 suspects arrested by the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigations) in what they called “Operation Interception,” a five day sting aimed at men who traveled from all over the metro area with the intent of meeting a child for sex, the GBI stated Monday.

There were also another 169 arrests by the FBI leading up to the Super Bowl the FBI Says.

Cheung, a high profile gamer worked for Hi-Rez Studios, which is a video game delveoper based in Alpharetta that created popular games such as Global Agenda, Smite, and Tribes: Ascend.

According to his Twitter account he has over 20,000 followers and is also partnered with the company Twitch. Twich is a video game platform which allows users to make money as they live-stream themselves gaming.

Hi-Rez Studios CEO Stew Chisam said in a statement that Cheung is no longer employed at the company.

“As a parent, it is difficult to imagine more disturbing allegations than those laid out in the news reports,” Chisam said.

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