Hunter Biden’s trial began today in Delaware.

Hunter Biden is facing charges for both the illegal purchase and illegal possession of a firearm. Attorney and activist, JS Price was inside the courtroom to observe day 1 of jury selection.

Both Jill and Ashley Biden were in attendance, however noticeably absent was Joe Biden. Jill Biden was celebrating her73rd birthday on the first day of Hunter Biden’s trial. Biden family attorney Kevin Morris was seated with the Biden family.

Price was seated inside the courtroom with approx. 40-50 other observers. Laptops were not permitted inside the courtroom. Cell phones were allowed inside; however, they were locked inside a secure case that could only open by officials. No use was allowed. Per Price’s observations, Hunter appeared smug and disinterested when not engaging with jurors. When visually addressing jurors, Hunter would appear to be pleasant while flashing a smile.

Observers and media were taken into an overflow room on the third floor which was typically used a jury pool room. While inside that room audio was played of the judge addressing the entire informing them of the process taking place during the day. Any potential jurors were instructed that they were not allowed to speak to anyone or research the specifics in the hearing on their own. Jurors were then given questionnaires and excused to go fill in their information.

Questions on the jury forms were in a yes/no format and there was a method to identify capable jurors. Only 1 of the 60 potential jurors achieved a perfect score. The jurors were then brought out individually to be questioned the judge and both attorneys.

The first line of questioning to potential jurors began with “what do you know about this case”, followed by “how did you get information about this case”. The potential jurors were then asked to state what they knew about the specific case. The potential jurors were asked what sources of news they typically consumed.

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The potential jurors were then asked if themselves or anyone they knew had a history with drug or alcohol addiction. They were then asked, “despite your experiences, are you able to be impartial”?

The potential jurors were then asked about their personal criminal history of themselves and their loved ones. This was to potentially gauge any bias of the criminal justice system.

Interestingly, the next line of questioning was specifically related to firearms. Potential jurors were asked if they were gun owners or had purchased guns. The potential jurors were asked what specific reasons as to why they had owned firearms. Jury candidates who stated that they had purchased a firearm were then asked specifically about their purchase experience. They were asked if they remembered filling out a 4473 and if they were given assistance when purchasing their firearm and filling out the 4473 forms.

The final line of questioning was the most interesting. Potential jurors were asked “Do you believe that Americans can be prosecuted based on their political beliefs and affiliations”. Many answered yes to the question. When answered in the affirmative, the judge would then probe as to what they viewed as specific examples of political prosecution. Every potential juror who stated that they believed in political prosecution cited Donald Trump as the example. These potential jurors gave examples of Cross Fire Hurricane and Donald Trump’s New York Conviction.

The judge was making real time decisions on excusing potential jurors. The judge seemed to keep all potential jurors who they believed to be honest. The judge seemed to set a low bar to become a juror unless it became blatantly obvious that they could not serve. On multiple occasions the judge stated that she believed the case would last less than 2 weeks, as more than one potential juror addressed plans that were scheduled in the upcoming weeks.